Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Commentary On Legalization

 I really enjoyed reading this post about legalization of marijuana  in Texas. The author did an excellent job comparing and contrasting the state of Colorado with Texas. The author was effective at conveying the benefits of legalization of a drug that is still deemed extremely illegal in Texas. It is hard to argue against the potential benefits an increase of Tax revenue will have on the state of Texas if weed was legalized and heavily taxed. This is why I am hopeful for the future. As  Texas' culture changes and population grows making Hispanics the new majority in this state their is a strong argument that in the far future Texas can turn solid blue. Once Texas has gone through this color change then we will start seeing change such as legalization of marijuana and many other liberal policies. To insight change it takes more than a majority that has similar ideals it takes strong activism of this new majority to create real world change in law and in policy. This is why to really create change you must first convince the younger generation and the new majority that they have the power to vote and elect officials that will properly fight for what they believe in.                    


  1. It was very nice reading your commentary on legalization of marijuana. These days peoples talk about this issue using their personal feelings rather than using facts and logics. I have the same view of you regarding to legalization of marijuana, however it was nice to see the evidences and reasoning that you have mentioned, since I never thought of this matter from your perspective. In addition to what you mentioned, I believe legalization of marijuana will decrease the passage of criminals to Texas. The reason is because marijuana being illegal is a very golden opportunity for foreign cartels, especially from Mexico, illegally enter and sell their marijuana to our state. By legalizing marijuana we will cut off a great portion of the passage of foreign criminals and undocumented people to our state. The other reason that I believe we need to legalize marijuana is because marijuana being illegal costs a lot for state. Estimated cost of each marijuana arrest is said to be about 10,000 dollars, and in total, the costs that have been spent for implementing the laws against marijuana in 2010, which was the last time it was measured, was counted 330 billion dollar to Texas. I hope very soon in our upcoming legislation sessions we see the change that is most beneficial to our people and state including legalization of marijuana.

    Thanks for your great article,
    Soroush Omidvarnia

